NEW YORK_ A story and activity book using art therapy to help children
overcome the loss of a pet is the winner of the 2023 New York Book Festival,
which honors books worthy of further consideration from the publishing capital.
Author Nancy Addison’s For The Love of Willy: Overcoming Sadness After Losing
a Beloved Pet (Organic Healthy Lifestyle Publishing) tells the endearing
story of a woman who nurses an injured baby squirrel back to health. She is
traveling and eventually has to sadly surrender him to a shelter. But she learns
to find joy again in her memories, art, and expressions of love for Willy.
The book provides tips for children to lift their spirits and find happiness
again when they are sad about losing a pet.
Addison wins a cash prize of $1,500 for her moving tale of loss and recovery.
Other winners in the competition:
WINNER: We are not a Museum - Pramila Venkateswaran
Words in Passing - E.M. Schorb
Gathering of Words - Peter Sheardy
Fortune Cookie Wisdom - Stephen Fernbach
Fierce Geometry - Mary Brancaccio

- The Magic Hour - Bob Kamm
- SITPOE (Situational Poetry) - Newman Springs
- Poems of the Mad Hunter and Other Tales - Byron Hoot
- Untethered - Deborah L. Staunton
WINNER: Fathers: The Top 7 Dad Skills - Mark Stibbe
- Mississippi Barking, Hurricane Katrina and a Life That Went to the
Dogs - Chris McLaughlin
- Don't Miss This! A Decade of Eccentric Performing Arts - Jim R. Moore
- Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous - Judith Sherven, PhD, and Jim
Sniechowski, PhD
- Maria Tunicka Conductor - James Aiello
- Life, I Swear - Chloe Louvoezo
- Enemy Territory - Francis Gary Powers Jr. and Walter Pfenninger
- The Empowerment Solution - Friedemann Schaub
- Under the Naga Tail - James Taing
- A Bridge to Justice - Enid Gort
- Spy Pilot - Francis Gary Powers Jr. and Keith Dunnavant
- The Songs of J. Will Callahan - Mary Jane Doerr
- Fighting for Justice - Paulette J. Buchanan
- The Financial Mindset Fix - Joyce Marter
- Borderland Blacks: - Dann J. Broyld
- Making Choices for the Successful Actor - Price Hall
- Forgotten Populists - Steve Babson
- About Natalie - Christine Pisera Naman
- Musical Nationalism in Indonesia: - Sharifah Faizah Syed Mohammed
- Building the Climate Change Bridge - James Michael Matthew
- The Self-Esteem Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Marcee A. Martin
- The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth - Stacie D. Ellerson
- The Therapists Playground - Gigi Garwood
- Coping and Thriving with a Chronic Condition - Carla Cobbs
- Profit-driven Cybersecurity - Mike Boutwell
- Unhunched; Discover Wellness Through Posture - Aesha Tahir
- Teens' Guide to Making Friends - Kev Chilton
- Sooner Than I Thought - Stacie D. Ellerson
- Jus Breathe - B. Lynn Carter
- The World is Your Studio - Deborah McMahon Osterholtz
- Breaking Through - Sally Susman
- Yanga: The Road to Freedom - Gloria Arjona
- Estelles, Our Galactic Reflection - Shelley Briske
WINNER: Seaside Magic - Vianlix-Christine Schneider
- Over the Fence - Debbie Schrack
- The Clockwork Pen - Jennifer Haskin
- Enemy Territory - Francis Gary Powers Jr. and Walter Pfenninger
- Secrets in the Wind - Rumki Chowdhury
- Isle of Shadows - Don Stansberry
- The Oasis King - Mark David Pullen
- Girl Out of Time - Clyde Boyer
- Do You Need A Hug? - Johanna A. Ferket
- Nathan’s Investigation - G. Katz Chronicle
- The Halloween Warrior - Esteban Bazquez
- A Thief in Pollinator Paradise - G. Katz Chronicle
- Know When to Grow - T.B Stacy
WINNER: The Outcast - Eve M. Riley
- Candy Cane Cookie Crush - Suzy Kamata
- Ava - Janet Perroni
- Taken: A Novel (Taken Series, Book 1) - E. C. Roderick
- The Light Reflected - Will Freshwater
- The Patio - Melanie Sypherd
- A Hundred Honeymoons: A Novel - J.S. Wilson
- The Persian Glories - Susan Wakeford Angard
WINNER: ReInception - Sarena Straus
- Fallen Hunter - Mike Wyant Jr.
- River of Ashes - Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor
- Proud Pada - S.G. Blaise
- The Price of Rebellion - Michael C Bland
- Mountains of the Gods - Diann T. Read
- Kill the Night - Terry Mark
- Where Liberty Lies - Nathaniel M Wrey
WINNER: The Fondas - Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince
- My Whorizontal Life - Sephe Haven
- The Matador and the Mustang - James Smith
- Cinderellas of West 53rd Street - Rehearsal Club Alumnae
- A Someday Courtesan - Sephe Haven
- “Are You a N***** or a Doctor?” - Otto E. Stallworth Jr. MD MBA
- In the Time of Madmen - Mark A. Prelas
- Salvation is a Glazed Doughnut - Kathrin A. Swanson-Valerio
- Chronic Pain, My Journey - Don S. Hunter
- Me and My Shadow - John Walker Pattison
- The Gospel of the Four - Peter Boaz Jones
WINNER: Darwin - Dell Brand
- Ashes - Steven Manchester
- Protect the Queen - Steve Burt
- Bobby Truax - Denise Cassino
- Torn Asunder - David V. Mammina
- Dead Ending - Stephen G. Yanoff
- Murder in Plein Air - Karen Leigh Charles
- The One and True Son - Laurence Ballengee
- No, You’re Crazy - Jeff Beamish
- The Evil Inclination - Daniel Victor
- Nad of Nadide - Wagih Abu-Rish
- Red Clay Suzie - Jeffrey Dale Lofton
- The Soul Machines - Alexandru Czimbor
- When Tomorrow Comes - Deb Larson
- Grave Secrets - Cassandra Aston
- Terror's Sword, A Kyle McEwan Novel - Kevin Kuhens
- Hidden World: Blood & Magick - Valerie J Dana
- The square without a color - Ryan Jeon
- Never To Forget: The Promise Of Love - Carlos Alvarado
- Fool, Anticipation - Robert Polakoski
- Ledicia’s Key - Yvette Nachmias-Baeu
- Shake Hands with the Devil - Tory Gates
- To Jerusalem - Natia Khaduri
What Mae Brings: A Novel - Melisa L. Berger

- The Dyer Island Boys - Jeffrey Veatch
- The Many Adventures of Donnie Malone - Paul E. Doutrich
- The Scars That Carry Us Through - Jenae Washington Blanger
- Blue Jay’s Night Club - Celeste Plowden
- The Middle Daughter - Chika Unigwe
- Shades of Darkness - R.S. Raniere
- The Harpsichordist - Celeste Plowden
- 1871: Rivers on Fire - Paul Buchheit
- Santa's Disastrous Delivery - Glyn Davies
- Consequences of crime, greed, & love - Barbara Mostella
- De facto Pathfinder - Cesare Giannetti
- Never To Forget: The Promise Of Love - Carlos Alvarado
- Last Will and Puzzlement - Melissa Nordhoff
- Complexities of Human Emotions - Touched - Emily Nicole
- Forgotten Babylon - Mia Vasquez
- Detective McKnight - Deadly Engagement…- Dee McQueen
- The Letter Critters Talent Show - Chase Taylor
WINNER: Retro Active Television - Herbie J. Pilato
- ESPN: One Giant Leap for Fankind - Bill Rasmussen
- Aging Wisely - Viola B. Mecke, Ph.D., ABPP
- Perception - J.A. McGovern, et. al
- Inflicted: Explorative Tales of What Breaks and Binds Us - Leo Otherland
- With Music as Our Muse - The Final Twist Writers
WINNER: Maeve Rising: Coming Out Trans in Corporate America - Maeve DuVally
- I’m Just a Supply Sgt. - Donald M. Stout
- Black On Madison Avenue - Mark Robinson
- In Search of Tom Slick: Explorer and Visionary - Catherine Nixon
- Take Me or Heal Me - Rinad Bsharat
- The Long Way Around - Leon Mecham
- Pressure - Eric Canori
- Enemy Territory - Francis Gary Powers Jr. and Walter Pfenninger
- How I Think I Should Be is B***S*** - Eileen Marder-Mirman
- When The Church Burns Down, Cancel the Wedding - Sara E. Braca
- Boy Wander - Jobert E. Abueva
- Whispers of the Heart - Uma Eachempati
- These Broken Roads - Donna Marie Hayes
- Marching to a Silent Tune: A Journey from We Shall to Hell No - Gerald R
- Sport: a Stage for Life - Cristiana Pinciroli
- His Mother's Son: Memoirs of an Accidental Man - Paul Anthony
- Spirit of a Hummingbird - Felicia Thai Heath
- Dream in a Suitcase - Domnica Radulescu
- Framing a Life: Building the Space to Be Me - Roberta S. Kuriloff
- Treasures in Trauma - Elaine Yarbrough
- The Memoir of a White House Dog - Barbara Guerriero-Flites
- Nothing Concealed - Jarrod Houston
- Chaos to Calm - Melissa A. Roberts
- Tales of Princes Past - Marjorie Anne Prince Troutman
WINNER: For the Love of Willy - Nancy Addison
- Wild Thing and the Bagel - Erin L. Neal
- "I was LEFT OUT!" - Sally O Lee
- The Christmas Tree That Changed the World - Beth Dessen Duffy
- Brooklyn Beaver ALMOST Builds a Dam - Florenza Lee
- How the Strawberry Got Its Seeds - Alejandria Kate
- The Lantern Fairy - Alejandria Kate
- Digger the Colony Worker Ant - Christian Kueng
- A Story of Whoa - Chris Corbett
- The Light Within Me - Lauren Grabois Fischer
- Bentley's Fantabulous Idea - Miki Taylor
- Bailey Speaks! - Mary Calvert
- Roosevelt Banks and the Attic of Doom - Laurie Calkhoven
- Rooker the Looker - Nicole Kohr
- Five and Ten - E.M. Schorb
- Finicky Felicia - Narene Ruseell
- Finn Finds the Monster - Jacqueline Winnell
- Esmarelda’s Shoe - Edee A. Troncale
- Ellie Cat Wants To Know How to Wake Up Happy Everyday - Sam Rice
- Apple and Grape, Volume 1: - Chaz
- The Adventures of Angel: A Kitten's Story - Ross Alan Hahn
- Digger the Colony Worker Ant - Christian Kueng
- Puffy Ball - Vianlix-Christine Schneider
- Monarch Life “Metamorphisis” - Gerri Endean
- Odette’s Alphabet - Sandrine Marlier
- My Pants - Nicole Kohr
- Nurse Florence, How Does Our Spine Work? - Michael Down, RN, MS
- Little Zee - Jaquitla Knight
- Brocky: The Brave Little Rock - Roberto Livi
- Little Zee and the Lunchroom Bully - Jaquitla Knight
Gummy Worms for Fishing - Chan Blue

- Doodle Noodle - Kate Seng
- Rose’s Wonderful World of Animals - Cynthia Dobbins with Rose Dobbins
- WrestleDreamia - Daniel Boyd
- Monster? - Kathy Cooke
- Those Who Care, Share! - Joel Brown
- Adventure in a Land of Changes - Rick Poplinger
- Miracle: A Birthday Story - Wendy Alyson Jordan
- Seashell Safe Harbor: be Happy - Sherrie Schmidt
- Everybody Knows Their ABCs - Aimee Andren
- The Wildlife Divas Adventure Team - Lisa M Randolph
- Winston's Forever Blanket - Argyro Graphy
- Guess Me! Mighty Mammals - Kaaya Sharma
Sam and His Amazing Flying Crib - Jan O'Dea

- The Very Naughty Puppy - Mary C. Fancher
- 8 Steps To Becoming An Entrepreneur For Kids - Darren M. Henry
- Life Lessons of Lucy Lu - Gwen Kelly
WINNER: From Detect to Intellect - Daniel Guilfoyle, LCSW
- Next-Level Investing for Young Adults: - Jacob Reed
- Rise of the Warrior Leader - Claudio Chiste
- Who Held the Door Open? - Raejean Kanter
- Wellness, Wellplayed: The Power of a Playlist - Jennifer Lena
- From Kindergarten to Kollege in 10 Steps - Pamela Scott M.Ed
- Caregiving: Things You Need to Know - Dr. Eboni Ivory Green
- Making Choices for the Successful Actor - Price Hall
- 8 Steps To Becoming An Entrepreneur For Kids - Darren M. Henry
- FREEMAN EXPLAINS! - Michael Freeman, PHD
WINNER: Modern Catholic Concerns - Peter Mazurek
- Holy Parrot - Angel A
- The Unopened Present - Richard V. Battle
- The Negative Effects of Comparison - Diane Paige Collins
- When Sunday Looks Like Tuesday - Judy Chatham
- The Name I Choose - Holly Brough
- The Light Within Me - Lauren Grabois Fischer
- GodSway: My Anecdotes with God - Diana Skidmore Keathley
- Journey of a radiant heart - Niomi Nicci
- Caged No More Learning To Be Set FREE - Rose Hogans
- Journey of Faith with Jesus, Mary and the Saints - Lea Agnero Powell
WINNER: My Place Among Them: A Novel - J. Stanion
RUNNER-UP: Murder Race - Alexandrea Weis
- I Want to Play College Golf - Angelina & Cameron Huang
WINNER: The Same Bright Moon: - Wendy Bashant
- The Sky is My Home - Pamela Bauer Mueller
- West Virginia: Paranormal Gateway - Fred Saluga
- Moments In Time - Tom Locke
- The Invisible Hand: A Pareto Sisters Mystery - Paul Eric Klein
- 40 Biology Lab Activities - Francine Wizner
- Loy; In the forests of the mind - Todd Gross
- Out of the Shadows - Theresa Sederholt
- Harsh Cravings - Jason Haaf
- Newburyport Clipper Heritage Trail - Ghlee E. Woodworth
- Broken Pencils - J.R Rice
WINNER: The Review Cycle - Matt R. Vance
- The Discerning Investor - Julie Jason
- Find a Job That Fits Your Life - Dennis Guzik
- 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions, Vol. 3 - Ross Brand
- Boss the Handbook - James W. Rose
WINNER: Of One and The Other - Jayanti Seiler
RUNNER-UP: Mud Flower: Surviving Schizophrenia and....- MEGHAN CAUGHEY